Matthias Naaf
Mathematische Grundlagen der InformatikRWTH Aachen
D-52056 Aachen
Telefon: | +49-241-80-21715 |
Fax: | +49-241-80-22215 |
Büro: | 4119 (E1) / Ahornstr. 55 |
E-Mail: | naaf [AT] |
Wenn die Tür offen ist / nach Vereinbarung.Forschung
- Provenienzanalyse für Logik und Spiele
- Fixpunkttheorie über Halbringen
- Modelltheorie für Logiken mit Halbringsemantik
- Mathematische Logik (SS 20, SS 21, SS 22, SS 23)
- Algorithmische Modelltheorie (WS 22/23, SS 24)
- Provenienzanalyse und Halbringsemantik für Logiken und Spiele (SS 22, SS 24)
- Quanten-Computing (SS 23)
- Logik und Spiele (WS 21/22)
- Mathematische Logik II (WS 20/21)
- Seminar Logik, Komplexität, Spiele:
Ausgewählte Vorträge
- Algorithmic Aspects of Semiring Provenance for Stratified Datalog, held at the Simons Institute workshop Logic and Algebra for Query Evaluation (2023) in Berkely, USA.
- Locality Theorems in Semiring Semantics, held at AlMoTh 2023 in Bochum, Germany.
- Zero-One Laws and Almost Sure Valuations of First-Order Logic in Semiring Semantics, held at LICS 2022 as part of FLoC 2022 in Haifa, Israel.
- Semiring Provenance for Büchi Games: Strategy Analysis with Absorptive Polynomials, held at GandALF 2021 in Padova, Italy.
- Winning Games with Semiring Provenance, a fun 3-minute lightning talk, held at the Lightning Math Night (2024) at RWTH Aachen.
Aktuelle Publikationen
- S. Brinke, E. Grädel, L. Mrkonjić, and M. Naaf. Semiring Provenance in the Infinite. In The Provenance of Elegance in Computation - Essays Dedicated to Val Tannen (A. Amarilli and A. Deutsch, Eds.), vol. 119 of Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs), pp. 3:1–3:26, Dagstuhl, Germany. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2024.
- E. Grädel, N. Lücking, and M. Naaf. Semiring Provenance for Büchi Games: Strategy Analysis with Absorptive Polynomials. Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 20(1), 2024.
- M. Naaf. Logic, Semirings, and Fixed Points. PhD thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2024.
- C. Bizière, E. Grädel, and M. Naaf. Locality Theorems in Semiring Semantics. In 48th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2023) (J. Leroux, S. Lombardy, and D. Peleg, Eds.), vol. 272 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pp. 20:1–20:15, Dagstuhl, Germany. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2023.
- C. Bizière, E. Grädel, and M. Naaf. Locality Theorems in Semiring Semantics. arXiv:2303.12627 [cs.LO], full version of MFCS'23 paper, 2023.